5 Smart Tips to start saving for future planning
I think this is exactly RIGHT time to start something amazing towards savings because new financial year just started and one can plan for coming FY 2014-15. Any decision related to MONEY should be simple and easy to take action. Today I want to share smart tips (just like smart phone) to start your savings.

Start with Saving Account
Use money in ACTION which lying in your saving bank account. This is first and easy steps every one must take with starting utilize your saving account fund through Internet banking and invest in ultra short term fund (liquid funds). You can also try for purchase through SMS (mobile) which one timemandate and very much convenient for investing in such fund.
Recurring Deposits
Start recurring for short term goals like Vacation planning, Home renovation expenses or Buying mobile phone. This is simple yet powerful product for all types of investors who want to accumulate small funds for their expenditure. You can start your recurring deposits (well known as RD) with any Banks or with Post office as per your convenient. It is easy to start online recurring account through login into net banking page of your bank. You just have to select amount per month, total tenure and the date you want the money debited from your bank account.
Monthly Budget
Before you start any investment make monthly budget and share it with family members. This small exercise will create immense picture of your future planning and will also control on families unnecessary expenses. Change your approach of saving money, first save your money from income than go for expenditure.
Complex Product
Don’t hurry to take decision related money in any new products. Just don’t jump and start investing complex products like junk food which is not necessary for you. So take enough time to select product like Child Plans, Endowment Plans, ULIPS, Unit Linked Health Plans, NFO, FMPsetc. Thinks twice or ask to Financial Advisor before take any investment decision in such products.
Promise to Start Action
Promise to yourself that I will start my action today. Give priority to these smart tips and save minimum amount every month from your income. Create some system that will work like smart phone. But all action must start from your heart and remember this quote – “Action is the foundational key to all success”
Wish you best of luck and don’t forget to share comments here….