

How to beat Inflation ?

Classic example of inflation when I bought MILK today morning…. Amul hikes milk price by 2 rupees per liter recently… Rate in  March 2007 per liter after 2 rate hike in 2006… Milk price of AMUL Gold 19 Shakti 17…

Money Lesson to Children from Dad

Recently I read awesome letter in social media from a dad to his 6 year old son when he asked for Money. I like to share it with you. Dear, We regret to inform you at this time that we are…

From where to Start ???

From the couple of months I was worrying to change the look of my blog. I was planning to give awesome experience to all visitors of my blog. Thanks to my new vendor for his wonderful job but my job…

What is more important for YOU ?

Today morning when I wake up and start my day, some word hit the inbox of my mind- Money- Earning Money- Managing Money…. For few minutes some inspiring thought also cross my mind. Really morning time is awesome time. I felt…

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