Category Others

Things to avoid while investing in Equity

I loved to read this message received on my whtaspp… Please Keep in mind these 20 things must avoid while investing in direct equity or equity mutual funds. 1) Don’t delay your investing 2) Don’t invest for short periods 3)…

Message from a Financial Planner

I am going through an experience where one of my far relative passed away couple of months back. The spouse and daughter is totally unaware of the financial assets of this person. I got into the act of helping them gather…

Money Lesson to Children from Dad

Recently I read awesome letter in social media from a dad to his 6 year old son when he asked for Money. I like to share it with you. Dear, We regret to inform you at this time that we are…

What is more important for YOU ?

Today morning when I wake up and start my day, some word hit the inbox of my mind- Money- Earning Money- Managing Money…. For few minutes some inspiring thought also cross my mind. Really morning time is awesome time. I felt…

Sector Reviews: Make In India

From Last couple of months one word is in news, MAKE IN INDIA. Correct Hmmmm…..I’d like to write somewhat on Make In India today. You’d listen a lot of information in the media about it. Don’t worry it is the mindset of…

Money Lessons From the FIFA

I always read all the articles with too much emotion which are helpful to the small investors. Investors are on my prime focus and helping them is my life vision. Today I like to share some important things which we…

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